Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Tuesday night.  The weather man is saying there could be ice.  Or not.  This makes me think about how we don't know what tomorrow holds.  I want to share a thought with you, while we don't know what tomorrow holds friend, we do know who holds tomorrow.  Yes, some of you will call to mind a song from a hymnal.  But some of you, I am so afraid, will read this skeptically and think that I am being over simplistic.  Bear with me, okay....

 Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life.  No man comes to the Father but by me."   (John 14:6) We are also told in Hebrews 11:6 that without faith it is impossible to please God.  Again in Hebrews 12:2 "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."  Praise the Lord! 

So, I beg you, if you haven't already put your faith in this Jesus, please do so now.  I know that his grace is sufficient.  There is nothing that you can have ever done or could ever do that grace cannot cover.  Know Jesus and know truth.

Yours in love and Christ

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine Postings

Today, I walked out to the edge of the woods and saw evidence of rebirth.  There were shoots of bright green breaking out of the brown winter dormancy.  There were little fairy flowers of purple, blue and white.  Then sun was still above the trees, though setting fast and I saw evidence of new buds.  I felt small.  I looked up into the blue sky and wondered how can I explain this to you, the ones reading this, without sounding like a crazy woman shy of a load... and I decided I probably can't and it probably doesn't matter.

I felt the wind.  And I wondered about the ministering angels that God has sent for me, as I am one who inherited His salvation? (Hebrews 1:14)  I thanked God for these same angels that were there to carry Aiden through the heavenlies.  I imagined his eyes wide with amazement as he saw things that no one has seen that is here on this earth.  I know he wasn't afraid, I know he knew where he was going.  He was going to live with his eternal heavenly Father.  I can imagine the strength, the kindness these angels had.  I imagine that as they came to the Father, these very same angels placing him on the lap of this most wonderful God.  I am so thankful that just as these angels were there to minister and carry Aiden, so too were there angels taking care of Dewey.  

And when I was thinking about this, I too thought about the fact that I am enjoying creation, but glory to God, Aiden is in the presence of the Creator!  Just think, to see where sin has never been.  Just think.  

So on this Valentines day, I took a stick and in the dirt I drew a heart and put a big A there.  And I asked God to please tell Aiden he is still my first grandchild valentine.  And one day I will be there with him.  Because this world is not my home, I am a stranger looking for a city.